Wednesday 18 August 2010

The Traveling bunch & China here we come!

DAY 66 out of 88 and our last in UB - Tim got a new hair cut (grade 1 - sorry Mary!) and we stocked up for the 30hours train ride across the Gobi desert - cannot wait!

The last few nights we have stayed at Idre's Guesthouse a great place -$5 for a dorm bed with shower & breakfast & it's super clean - bargain!, near the train station. Lots of travelers come through here and we shared stories with those who are also about to move on and with those who are just arriving. Great way to finish our experience here.

Overall we met many travelers of all nationalities in Mongolia including a handful of cycle tourists. In UB we got to know Spaniard Alvaro, a cycle touring clown who has been on the road for 6 years and cycled 83.000km so far!

Another impressive traveler we met briefly in central Mongolia was this young lady driving her motorbike (solo) from France to Tokyo across Siberia and Mongolia - putting Boreman and McGregor to shame!

So many people and everybody has an adventure to report - inspiring!

We have cycled about 900km in Mongolia and covered about 1800km including Public Transport. It's been awesome - never straight forward & always an adventure! There is so much more to discover here and cycling is a great way to do it - who knows we might even be tempted to take part in the new Mongolia Bike Challenge one year! (we met the convoy of support vehicles a few weeks back & it sounded like an exhilarating way to cross this country! - bit of training required,mind)

Anyway - Time to move on - China here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Well, Beijing it is now!! Its 7.00 am on Friday morning here in UK so your train may well be actually arriving at the station as I write and both of you ready for your next honeymoon experience eg The Great Wall perhaps! Lots of wonderful places to visit during your short stay. Tim's bike is priority too I know. So enjoy and bring on the next Blog shortly...Love Bill/Mary
