We had clear blue skies and sun and even managed to catch some midnight sun (see pic below). Great for drying clothes...
We loved the mountain road. Vast open rocky terrain.
From Narvik we had a steady 25km climb up to Björnfjell (Bear Mountain).
and we even met some bears...
We cycled along Torneträsk, the most Northern lake in Sweden.
and got to Abisko National Park which has a beautiful, buzzing outdoor centre. From here many people set out on the "Kungsleden" longdistance (425km) hut to hut walking\skiing path to Hemavan. One for the future maybe...
We also have to thank our Finnish friend Juha Larimo, who knows Northern Scandinavia like the back of his hand having cycled over 10,000km in the region. We got lots of tips on roads to ride and places to see and even a map of the cycle routes in North Finland. Thanks Juha.
We are now in Kiruna enjoying a day off with civilised breakfasts and tourist excursions planned. Oh and we turned up just in time for the Kiruna festival. Report soon.
Hello 'Mr & Mrs' (note wedding ring still on show so all must be well!!) Images amazing (just clicked 'twice' on photo and fantastic larger prints to see) Tim looks quite tidy so Granny will not see him in a ponytail and beard on his return!! Shame. Both of you look as if you are surviving and relishing this trip. Love the scenery so beautiful and awesome. NZ crew fly out on Friday via L.A. for two days then onward home. They have had splendid trip to UK so raring to return to their home now. Keep sending those reports. Love from Bill and Mary
ReplyDeleteHello Sara & Tim, Your trip looks wonderful and plenty for you to take in and treasure as memories. What happened to the Beard?Tim! You look respectable again. Glad photos double click bigger- really awesome views.Glad you can dine so well and enjoy tourist attractions as well. Helen and crew leaving UK Friday morning en route to NZ by way of L.A. for two days. Our weather has broken so rain today.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to seeing next blog. Love Mary and Bill
Many thanks, Tima and Sara, for the card from Norway. Loved your blog. Glad the wedding went so well. Trip so far sounds fabulous - enjoy the rest of it! Love George and Judith.
ReplyDeleteWunderschöne Bilder und schön zu sehen, dass ihr es geniesst. Weiterhin viel Freude und Erlebnisse.
Wir wünschen euch noch mehr so wunderschöne Sonnenauf- und Untergänge. Bleibt Gesund und viel Spaß noch!
ReplyDeleteWir hoffen es geht Deinem Knie besser.
Alles Gute
Nilu & Sebastian
Postcard received today dated 29 June confirming first 14days on wheels absolutely breathtakingly successful! As you both say exciting times ahead. Swedish guidebook giving me an insight into what you may be experiencing on your travels. Lots of people following your blog!! Keep up with photos and report adventures please.Love Bill and Mary